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US and Canadian Open Mikes - by musicians, for musicians

Come to our open mic event 7pm on the second Friday of the month at Trinity Church's Third Floor Coffee House! Now on the first floor!

We are looking for performers to share their talent with the community and audience members to enjoy the music. Please contact Pat Faldetta at to be put in the line-up or just show up if the Spirit moves you. All genres of music welcomed. See you then!!!

Donations Requested: $5 per person or $10 family maximum.

This listing was last updated over 2 years ago. You may want to contact the venue to confirm that the dates and time are still correct.

If this listing is not accurate, please leave a correction using the form below the listing.


  • Last updated: May 10, 2022

list and map List the 27 clubs with open mikes in this area.