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US and Canadian Open Mikes - by musicians, for musicians

UUP Recital & Acoustic Open-Mic
Selected Saturdays at 4pm
Legendary Lifestyle Cafe
1301 North Broadway
Baltimore, MD
UUP kids perform! 4-6 pm. Come and enjoy the Urban Uke Project, UUP kids as they play their little hearts out and get recognized in their final performance of the school season! Bring your ukulele/guitar (or any instrument for that matter) and let's make some music in the acoustic open-mic session, 5-6pm, immediately following the recital! This event will be held outdoors across from the Legendary Lifestyle Café. The UUP Recital starts at 4pm, Acoustic Open-Mic, starts at 5pm. (open-mic sign-up starts at 3:45 pm). Bring a chair. Bring a blanket. Bring a friend.

This listing was last updated over 3 years ago. You may want to contact the venue to confirm that the dates and time are still correct.

If this listing is not accurate, please leave a correction using the form below the listing.


  • Submitted by UUP
  • Last updated: June 4, 2021

list and map List the 13 clubs with open mikes in this area.