Other resources for musicians / singers / songwriters Singer/Songwriter Communities
Songwriters Resource Network ( Trusted news and education resource for songwriters and lyricists everywhere.
Just Plain Folks ( Songwriting & Musician Networking Organization
Singer Songwriter Resources ( Trusted news and education resource for songwriters and lyricists everywhere.
SongRamp ( A a new music community focused on the creative aspects of music
SAW - Songwriters' Association of Washington ( Songwriting & Musician Performance, Education and Networking Organization for the Greater Washington DC area.
F.A.M.E - Frederick Acoustic Music Enterprise ( For the support and nurture of acoustic music and musicians in and around Frederick County Md.
Open mike and other original music listings
Shenandoah Valley Music and Arts Network ( Committed to Bringing People and Local Arts Closer together
Boston Open Mikes ( Sam Bayer's Boston-area list
Colorado Blues Society ( The primary mission of the Colorado Blues Society is to create a greater awareness and wider appreciation of the American indigenous art form, The Blues.
Central Florida Live ( Find upcoming performances by your favorite Central Florida bands, see what's happening at your favorite venues, or post your own gigs for all to see.
Services for Musicians ( Music business coach Joe Taylor Jr. works with musicians that want to book more gigs
( America's singer-songwriters in your living room!
USA Musicians Network ( Our Objective is to foster and encourage creative partnerships between musicians and venues.
Ultimate Guide to Songwriting and Music Composition ( 50 resources that can help you better understand how to write a song that can crack the Top 40, play guitar like Eric Clapton or apply your musical talents to specific genres.