User profile: moody black
Second place winner in the University of South Carolina-Upstate Talent Show- February 1998 and 1999; Winner of the Coffee Beanery Freestyle Contest in Greenville, S..C- June 15, 2001; Spartanburg Poetry Slam Winner- January 10, 2004; Member of the Upstate Poetry Slam Team 2004-2006 and Slam Coach from 2006-2008; Featured poet for Band-Aids (AIDS Awareness Program) in Spartanburg, S.C., Featured several times in Spartanburg Herald Journal and The Link; Performed at several elementary, junior and senior high schools, universities, and colleges. Regular host along with Kimbi the Goddess (his wife) at several poetry venues; Poem published in Still Home(Book of Spartanburg Poets); 2009 Poetry Slam Instructor for USC-Upstate