User profile: Lexi Hicks
I'm 28 and have been dabbling in stand up comedy for the past 2 years. I figured out a long time ago I have no special skills or talent so now I make my living by getting a crowd of people to laugh at me. And I'm really good at that. I am not your typical female comedian. I swear a shit load and make derogatory comments about women or sluts as I call them, I racially profile etc. I also just started incorporating music into my act. So one of my buddys plays the guitar and we have a couple funny songs. Sounds dumb but its really funny. I do standup any chance I get and do it around 4x a week right now. I am also a comedy writer so that keeps me busy as well. I love making short movies that are just ridiculous and hysterical..... I'll see you all out there!
Oh and check out my Facebook page called: THE FINGER HOLE GAME. We live this game everyday 365 days a year. So join in on the fun cuz everyone loves to punch someone!