User profile: Camille Surrett
Hello I'm Camille Surrett. I've been playing the guitar for about 2 years now and I've written and composed several songs within these past two years. I got into playing guitar because of Maine Teen Camp. I'd always wanted to try it, but I never expected to like it as much as I do. I got my first "real" guitar (Fender T-Bucket 300) this April for my 16th birthday. It's an incredible guitar and nothing can come between me and Jasper (yes, that's my guitar's name haha.)Times were really rough when I first started playing. I had just moved up here to Fryeburg, Maine last Summer all the way from North Carolina and that was so difficult. I'd lived there my whole life, my family all lived there, my friends were there--it was the only life I'd ever known. At my attempt to recover from it, I became even more in-tune with music and my guitar and I soon found out it was the only thing that would keep my mind off of missing home. I would play over 6 hours a day, constantly figuring out great chord progressions, strum patterns, and writing lyrics and composing them. I'm at 3 originals that I wrote and composed myself and I'm at 2 from friends who wrote lyrics and needed some help composing and turning it into a work of art. 5 all together. I've recorded them and 4 are up on my myspace page. The recordings aren't exactly the best in the world, but you'll just have to turn your speakers up so you can hear them. I'm a high-school student who is broke and can't afford any high-quality, fancy recording equipment quite yet. My songs are based on my experiences and I'll go months without having inspiration, and then I'll write at least 1 really great and worthy song that I can compose and record. Basically, to sum it up all, I'm an aspiring musician trying to get her music out there and get some appreciation and exposure. I've played one gig, and while I was at MTC this summer I played at every show we had. Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you want, add my music myspace. Thanks. :D