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US and Canadian Open Mikes - by musicians, for musicians

Open Mike
First Wednesday of the month at 6pm
Minnesota Music Cafe
501 Payne Avenue
Saint Paul, MN
Host: The Smilin' Cowboys

TWIN CITIES ONLY OPEN STAGE AND COOL STUFF BAZAAR - Come on out and play some music! Join in with the band, play solo, bring a band. Acoustic oriented but all styles welcome!

Music starts at 6 Pm and goes until 9PM.

ALSO--artists, crafters, creators and flea marketers bring your creations. Plenty of room to display them.

This is a start up after the bug sucked out the momentum. Thanks.


  • Submitted by Cowboy John
  • Last updated: November 18, 2024

list and map List the 7 clubs with open mikes in this area.