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US and Canadian Open Mikes - by musicians, for musicians

Host: Henry Mead Kaiser
Influence Music Hall's 15 year program in Hillsboro has begun to go "On The Road". Summer performances outside on Fido's deck will now move "inside" under their Big Tent, with views of the lighted forest behind the stage. Good social distancing, good sound, clean bathrooms, good parking, good food and beers/wines/single malts. Masks required; bring your own mic. "Family Friendly" please. No piano or drum set on site. Call Fido's to reserve a table as audience. Advise host to ask for ~ 6-7 performance slots available to performers not from IMH. All genres possible but the core is voice & guitar acoustic; poetry and comedy are welcome too.

This listing was last updated over 4 years ago. You may want to contact the venue to confirm that the dates and time are still correct.

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