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US and Canadian Open Mikes - by musicians, for musicians

Musicion's Open Mike
Every Monday at 6pm
Crofton Cantina
787 Maryland 3
Gambrills, MD
Host: Bob Quinlan
This is a very laid back open mic nite for musicians. This is not a comedy, poetry, or karaoke open mic. Everyone brings their own instruments. It's mostly singers with their acoustic guitars, but anything (music) goes, and we have had full bands show up.

This listing was last updated over 2 years ago. You may want to contact the venue to confirm that the dates and time are still correct.

If this listing is not accurate, please leave a correction using the form below the listing.


  • Submitted by Ritchie V
  • Last updated: January 25, 2023

list and map List the 22 clubs with open mikes in this area.